by wp_13480744

Tra le tante uscite del 2020 passate sotto traccia c’è l’album omonimo degli Houseghost di Dayton. Loro lo definiscono ironicamente spooky punk rock ed in effetti il loro sound sembra un intreccio tra le melodie dei Ramones e i toni più cupi dei Misfits. Un suono dolcemente ruvido, i toni oscuri dei testi MA le melodie sempre in primo piano nel bell’intreccio delle voci dei fratelli Nick e Kayla Hamby. Nick suona principalmente nei The Raging Nathans Il disco è uscito per Rad Girlfriend Records Pezzi preferiti: No fun summer, Hollow Hallway, Hazel, Widdershins, Turn to dust…https://houseghostdyt.bandcamp.com/

Among the many releases of 2020 that have gone under the track there is the self-titled album by Dayton’s Houseghost. They ironically call it spooky punk rock and in fact their sound seems to be a mix between the melodies of the Ramones and the darker tones of the Misfits. A softly rough sound, the dark tones of the lyrics BUT the melodies always in the foreground in the beautiful intertwining of the voices of the brothers Nick and Kayla Hamby. Nick plays mainly in The Raging NathansThe record was released on Rad Girlfriend RecordsFavorite pieces: No fun summer, Hollow Hallway, Hazel, Widdershins, Turn to dust…https://houseghostdyt.bandcamp.com/

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